GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod

GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod

The Awesomekills Graphics Mod, heavily inspired by the film 1984, offers players a limited selection of more sci-fi-oriented visuals for GTA 5. The mod's creator explains how the general idea behind the mod came about, and how the process of implementing it went.

Install GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod

If you're looking for a graphics mod that will give your game a more impressive look, look no further than the GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod. This mod provides players with an improved graphical experience that is sure to impress. The mod is available as a downloadable file from the official GTA 5 website. After you have downloaded and installed the mod, you will need to launch the game and select "Options." From there, you will need to click on the "Graphics" tab and make sure that the "Awesomekills Graphics Mod" is selected. If you're not familiar with how to install graphics mods, be sure to check out our guide on how to install GTA 5 mods. Once you have installed the Awesomekills Graphics Mod, be sure to share your feedback with us in the comments section below!


1. Using OpenlV install VisualV.
2. Using OpenCV install Awesomekills graphics. oiv package
3. Install Reshade (installer in archive)
4. Copy all files from the "GTAV main folder" to your GTA main folder with replacement.
5. Launch the game, in the game press "Home", a reshade menu will open,
then press continues -> continue -> continue -> finish, then click to DefaultPreset (on the top of the Reshade window), the list will come out, and select the preset you need.
To change the preset press "Home" again and change preset.

Included shade presets list:
Awesomekills graphics - preset for gameplay &screenshots
Awesomekills graphics Dof Enabled - preset for screenshots with DOF


Delete mods folder, dxgi.dll and d3d11.dll

GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod

How to use the GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod in the game?

The GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod is a great mod that allows you to improve the graphics of your game. If you are not familiar with this mod, you can learn more about it in this guide. To use the mod, you first need to download it from the website where it was created. After you have downloaded the file, you need to place it into the Grand Theft Auto 5 directory. Once the file is in the game directory, you need to make sure that your game is up-to-date. Next, you need to start Grand Theft Auto 5 and open the options menu. From there, you need to select “ Mods ” and then search for “ Awesomekills Graphics Mod .” When the mod is found, select it and hit OK. After you have installed the mod, you will see some changes in the graphics of your game. The main changes are likely to be seen in the graphics of characters and vehicles.

GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod

GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod

GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod

Some GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod Tips and Tricks

GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod is one of the best graphics mods for the game. It improves the graphics, realism, and overall look of the game. It is recommended to use this mod with a good graphics card and processor. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you get the most out of GTA 5 Awesomekills Graphics Mod: 1. Download and install Gta5-Awesomekills-Graphics-Mod- v2.0.0.exe file. 2. Open the file and click on the “Install” button. 3. Select your graphics card from the list and click on the “Open” button. 4. Click on the “OK” button to finish the installation process. 5. Start GTA 5 and select “Awesomekills Graphics Mode” from the main menu. 6. Enjoy improved graphics!


If you're a fan of Grand Theft Auto, then you'll want to check out Awesomekills Graphics Mod. This mod overhauls the graphics for the game, giving it an updated and more realistic look. If you're looking to make your game look even better than it already does, then this is the mod for you.

Download Link: Link1 Link2 Link3
Password: Pk Modders
Size: 17MB 
File Name: Awesome kills Graphics

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